Scientific misconduct – from a marginal phenomenon to a wildfire

Junk Publications and Scientific Misconduct

A few weeks ago an interview that I did with Frank Müller was published in the online magazine telepolis. It has the title Wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten – von der Randerscheinung zum Flächenbrand (in English: Scientific misconduct – from marginal phenomenon to wildfire). Frank Müller has been gathering questionable scientific publications from the natural and material sciences for years. He tells of counterfeiting rates in the clearly double-digit percentage range as well as of the difficulty of labeling such publications or withdrawing them from scientific discourse, and makes suggestions for improving the control system. The interview was given in German in language and it is a kind of sequel to my interview with Leonid Schneider, also published in telepolis. The interview with Leonid Schneider was entitled Das wissenschaftliche Publikations- und Reputationssystem ist gehackt (The scientific publication and reputation system is hacked) and was also given in German language. It was later translated by Joachim Schöpfel into French and published under the title Le système de publication et de reconnaissance scientifique est hacké.

telepolis was kind enough to allow the translation into french and even welcomed it, so if a reader would like to translate the interview with Frank Müller or Leonid schneider into another language, please contact me.

These two interviews are the prelude to a series of further interviews on the topic of scientfic misconduct and how to fight it. You can find a continuously updated list of these interviews here.

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