Expert Papers and Audit Studies as evaluation studies, reviewer activities or audit studies.
innosci Future Lab
Consultant and co-author of an expert paper on Open Science in the innosci Future Lab of the Stifterverband.
OUROUK Conseil en Management de l’information
Several expert papers and audit studies on scientific publications and research data for OUROUK Consulting.
Consultant activities in Inscico projects, e.g. as member of the Sounding Board “Communication of Open Science” of the Max Planck Society (2013)
Expert group “Copyright for the Information Society” of the Google Collaboratory
Consultant and co-author of an expert paper on copyright for the information society in the Google Collaboratory.
Steffen Albrecht, Gabriele Beger, Christoph Bruch, Oliver Castendyk, Timo Ehmann, Timo, Daniel Dietrich, Jeannette Dietrich; Tobias Ernst, Arnd Haller, Natali Helberger, Ulrich Herb, Stefan Herwig, Jeanette Hofmann, Holger Kienle, Paul Klimpel, Ulrich Klotz, Kaya Köklü, Dirk Krischenowski, Till Kreutzer, Sascha Lazimbat, Michael Littger, Martin G. Löhe, Robin Meyer-Lucht, Ramak Molavi, Jan Mönikes, Philipp Müller, Georg Nolte, Philipp Otto, Mani Pirouz, Tomas Praus, Thomas Ramge, Mario Rehse, Mathias Schindler, Gudrun Schweppe, Max Senges, Cornelia Sollfrank, Matthias Spielkamp, Christian von Borries, John Weitzmann, Karsten Wenzlaff, Dorothee Werner, Ole Wintermann, Hergen Wöbken (2011). Regelungssysteme für informationelle Güter. Urheberrecht in der digitalen Zukunft (Eine Publikation des Internet & Gesellschaft Co:llaboratory). Berlin, 2011: Internet & Gesellschaft Co:llaboratory.
University Library Konstanz
Content revision of the website Informationsplattform Open Access.