Contract Research

Contract Research

Contract Research in the fields of scientific publishing, scientometrics, bibliometrics, as user studies and needs analyses.

Contract Research and Studies: References

Knowledge Exchange (KE)

Study on Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure, see also this posting on the project: The outcomes of the Knowledge Exchange project on PIDs have now been published. The dissemination work is just starting.

University of Applied Sciences of Saarland (HTW Saar)

Bibliometric study on Open Access publications.

Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM)

Contract research in the project visOA: Making Open Access publications visible in the holdings of a library, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Methods: literature study, qualitative interviews and two online surveys.


Ulrich Herb & Uwe Geith (2020). Kriterien der qualitativen Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Publikationen. Information. Wissenschaft & Praxis, 71(2–3), 1–9.

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW)

Synopsis of recommendations, statements, declarations and activities of science policy actors on shaping the scholarly communication system.


Ulrich Herb (2017). Recommendations, Statements, Declarations and Activities of Science Policy Actors on Shaping the Scholarly Communication System. In P. Weingart & N. C. Taubert (Eds.), The Future of Scholarly Publishing: Open Access and the Economics of Digitisation (pp. 135–164). Capetown / South Africa: African Minds. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1035734,

Ulrich Herb (2016). Empfehlungen, Stellungnahmen, Deklarationen und Aktivitäten wissenschaftspolitischer Akteure zur Gestaltung des wissenschaftlichen Kommunikationssystems. In P. Weingart & N. Taubert (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftliches Publizieren. Zwischen Digitalisierung, Leistungsmessung, Ökonomisierung und medialer Beobachtung (S. 147–178). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. DOI:10.1515/9783110448115-006 oder

European Society of Phraseology (EUROPHRAS)

Contract study on the visibility of the Yearbook of Phraseology.

A list of all clients, customers and partners can be found here.